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    phase two 結果共3筆

  • New Taipei mayor recall effort hits 20,000 signatures mark

    Efforts to recall New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih gain momentum as group collects over 20,000 signatures, halfway to required 40,000. Stay updated on the ongoing recall campaign and upcoming signature drive at Taipei Metro’s Haishan Station on Feb. 24. Learn about the two-phase process under the Public Officials Election and Recall Act.
    2024/02/21 13:38
  • Premier Chen defends Medigen vaccine confidentiality deal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the pricing process and confidentiality agreements surrounding Medigen vaccines, stating that negotiations with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are ongoing. As a publicly listed company, any decisions about publicizing the government contract require shareholders’ approval. Chen emphasizes the government’s belief in vaccination as the best measure against the pandemic. Medigen had positive results from phase one trials and clinical experiments, leading to phase two development. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted unity trials with four other countries after being unable to proceed with phase three trials due to Taiwan’s low COVID-19 case statistics. Chen disputes rumors about a 30-year embargo on clinical results, calling it fake news and clarifying that all official documents have a preservation period. He also refutes accusations that over a thousand Medigen shareholders are members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), calling them "imaginary numerical figures." Chen hopes to disclose the information as soon as possible to maintain public trust, but it can only happen after negotiations and respecting existing confidentiality agreements.
    2024/01/03 17:07
  • MOI approves phase two of CTSP expansion, meeting TSMC needs

    The urban planning committee of Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior (MOI) has approved phase two of the Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) expansion project, which is closely linked to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). This project aims to meet the advanced manufacturing needs of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. The CTSP administration received support from committee members, and the land is expected to be handed over to factories by mid-2024 for public works construction. The expansion will convert agricultural and institutional land into a specialized area and public facility space spanning 89 hectares. In addition to creating 4,500 jobs to strengthen the semiconductor industry, the project will also align with climate change strategies and targets for a net-zero path by 2050. This includes a timeline for the supply of reclaimed water and renewable energy. The MOI emphasizes that these strategies and targets will respond to international sustainability goals while balancing global competitiveness with local sustainable development.
    2023/12/26 22:14
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